loom large

loom large
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As early as 1897, before he loomed large upon the political horizon, Roosevelt, writing to Lodge about a municipal campaign exclaimed: ‘The really ugly feature of the Republican canvass is that it does represent what the populists say, that is, corrupt wealth.’ (Ch. Beard and M. Beard, ‘The Rise of American Civtlization’, ch. XXV) — Теодор Рузвельт писал в 1897 году Лоджу по поводу муниципальных выборов (тогда еще его звезда не взошла на политическом горизонте): "Отвратительно то, что предвыборная кампания республиканцев действительно отражает интересы погрязшего в коррупции класса богачей-популисты в этом правы."

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "loom large" в других словарях:

  • loom large — To take over a major part of someone s thoughts, life, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑loom * * * loom large see ↑loom, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑large loom large : to have great importance or influence Rising tuition costs …   Useful english dictionary

  • loom large — ► if something looms large, it becomes very important and could cause serious problems: »Food retailers became nervous as the threat of a price war loomed large. Main Entry: ↑loom …   Financial and business terms

  • loom large — see large, largely …   Modern English usage

  • loom large — verb To have a great deal of importance, presence, power, or sway; to be of great significance or concern; by extension, to pose a likely threat or danger. Energy policy will loom large in the policy decisions of the new government …   Wiktionary

  • loom large — the impending cutbacks loom large Syn: dominate, be important, be significant, be of consequence; count, matter …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • loom large — Synonyms and related words: appear, be evident, be noticeable, be revealed, be seen, be visible, bulk, bulk large, exceed, glare, loom, meet the gaze, outsoar, outstrip, overtop, rear, rise above, shine out, shine through, show, show through,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • loom large — 1) to have a lot of importance or influence over someone or something America loomed large in Hashimoto s early life. 2) if something unpleasant or difficult looms large, it seems certain to happen This episode finds him deep in depression as… …   English dictionary

  • loom large — if a subject looms large, it causes people to think or worry a lot. The threat of unemployment looms large in these people s lives …   New idioms dictionary

  • loom — UK US /luːm/ verb [I] ► if an unpleasant event looms, it will probably happen and makes people worry: »Stocks of heating oil are at their lowest levels for years, and another crisis may be looming. »The company is in serious financial trouble,… …   Financial and business terms

  • loom — loom1 [ lum ] verb intransitive 1. ) if something unpleasant or difficult looms, it seems likely to happen soon: The administration is playing down the notion that a crisis is looming. negotiations to prevent a looming trade war 2. ) loom… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • loom — I n. a hand loom II v. 1) (P; intr.) a ship loomed out of the fog 2) (misc.) to loom large (her possible candidacy loomed large in the future plans of the party) * * * [luːm] (P;intr.) a ship loomed out of the fog a hand loom (misc.) to loom… …   Combinatory dictionary

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